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Digital Boost Alliance Christchurch workshop - 3 July 2023

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Digital Boost Alliance Christchurch workshop - 3 July 2023

Digital Boost Alliance Christchurch workshop - 3 July 2023

On Monday, 3 July, we held a workshop in Christchurch with small business owners to further test the first prototype of the hardware stack and provide feedback. The prototype was developed by a working group of the Alliance, including The Warehouse Group, Spark and Ricoh, through a series of workshops over the past few months. 


The purpose is to help small businesses access fit-for-purpose IT gear and tools (within time and budget and with confidence) so their business can increase productivity and innovation. An example of a ‘stack’ of hardware for a small business may be a laptop, router, phone and screen. 


The initiative is one of the first priorities on our five-year road map, relating to one of the key strategic objectives ‘growing digital capabilities’. You can read more in our media release hereand this article in Reseller News.


View highlights from the event in this video -click here.


View highlights from the event

On Monday, 3 July, we held a workshop in Christchurch with small business owners.

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