Chorus - Community

Chorus - Community

Member commitments > Chorus - Community
Chorus - Community

Proud to be part of the Digital Boost Alliance Aotearoa

Chorus is proud to be New Zealand’s largest telecommunications infrastructure company. We operate a world-class fibre optic network that keeps Kiwi businesses connected through numerous internet service providers across Aotearoa, helping them grow through excellent internet access.

Digital Boost Alliance commitment

Chorus aims to empower the people and businesses of Aotearoa by providing fast and reliable digital communications, helping them achieve their ambitions more quickly and effectively online.

We do this through our fibre network which offers fast broadband connections across 87% of New Zealand – enhancing productivity and connectivity for Kiwi businesses We are continuously expanding our network to help New Zealand grow, shaping a future where all Kiwis can freely access opportunities to define their own lives. 

Our business solutions cater to everyone -  from small business owners to large enterprises. Our business fibre plans offer added benefits to ensure your networks are reliable, fast, customisable, and secure, with priority service to minimise downtime. Browse our wholesale business fibre solutions and ask your provider for a plan with business fibre features.

In this digital, data-rich world, fast and efficient connectivity is everything. Chorus business solutions allows users to embrace new technology, leading to greater productivity, better customer experiences, and smarter cities.

Business fibre can help you achieve more digitally, fostering growth and increased productivity through technology. 

At Chorus, we strive for a fair, equitable, and inclusive culture where our differences are our strengths, we connect through shared values, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

New Zealand business runs on fibre. Unleash your business’s potential with broadband powered by Chorus business fibre. To see more about how Kiwi businesses are benefiting from business fibre, check out some of our customer stories.

Explore what Chorus has to offer

Visit their website for more information:

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